Sheridan, Wyoming College Gender Policy? Who is protecting our Children???

The following Questions were asked the College regarding Gender Policy in the Student Dorms and on Campus:

Definitions : “Gender”, male, female, neuter,
“Identity”, The fact of being the same, in all qualities. These definitions are from Webster’s.

  • I asked Sheridan College the question: “
    Who placed gender identity in the college’s non-discrimination clause?
    Dr. Paul Young, the President of Sheridan College, responded, “other than the College’s written policy there are no other records or documents in our possession that are responsive to your request.”

The written policy referred to is the College’s “Equal Opportunity; Non-Discrimination Clause.” This clause prohibits discrimination in Employment, Educational Programs and Activities on the basis of gender identity.

At the Sheridan College campus, a man can self-identify as a woman and under the College non-discrimination clause he can room with the female gender and use the female gendered bathrooms. He is to be recognized as female. Dr. Young informed me that is also true of the University of Wyoming campus.

  • Earlier in 2018 I spoke with Dr. Leah Barrett, Vice President of Student Affairs at Sheridan College. I asked her:
    What if the female gendered did not want to room with a gender male?
    I was told the College has a “Student Grievance Procedure” and I was given a copy of the procedure.
  • The College defines a grievance as a “dispute of policy and/or procedure with any other member of the college community”. A student that has a grievance must first meet with the Chief Student Affairs Officer or the designee to resolve the issue. If efforts to resolve informally fail the student may obtain a student grievance form, and file a written complaint. After the complaint is filed the grievance enters the formal hearing phase, and is remitted to Student Grievance Committee. The Committee is composed of, one (1) professional staff, one (1) faculty member, and one (1) student. In some cases, the committee may recommend the claim shall be dismissed. The decision of the committee will be final and shall not be appeal-able. If it should proceed the Grievance Hearing shall be closed. No legal counsel will be allowed, all witnesses shall be excluded from the hearing, except when called for testimony.
  • The only persons allowed to present the case will be the Grievant and the Respondent. Because a grievance is the dispute of the policy with a member of the College community, rather than the College, if, let’s say the grievance is about co-habitation based on gender identity. The Grievant has no case, because policy supports gender identity.

In January of 2018 I was extended an invitation to re-address the Grievance Procedure, however when I called to set-up a appointment the invitation was retracted.

I believe that “Gender Identity” should be renamed “Gender Identify”. The term “Identify” Psychoanalysis means: “to make identification of (one’s self) with someone else”.

Finally, a Kangaroo court is an irregular court outside of normal legal procedures. This is acknowledged by Sheridan College when it states “The student Grievance Hearing is not a “Court Hearing” … The rules are flexible and follow the standards of internal procedures as agreed upon by members of the Student Grievance Committee”.

Do I think that Sheridan College is presently accommodating “Gender Identity”, males with bathroom and dorm room assignment with gender specific females? Policy would allow, so maybe?

It’s night, the door is closed, the woman lies down on her bed, the “Gender Identity” room-mate say’s “goodnight”, the woman thinks “oh what big eyes you have grandma!”

References Available
Thank You,
Vicki Taylor

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