

Information and Commentary on issues of interest and concern to Wyoming citizens. For any comments you would like to post re/ any issue please visit our Facebook page and post your comment there.

Make sure you understand “Amendment A”

Voting is just around the corner. Make sure you understand amendment A! They would not be sending out high priced mailers if they weren’t gonna make money off of this! We will be going from three classes of property to tax to five. They cannot tell us that this will not be tax increase. Once we give them the power, we will never get it back! “Vote NO on amendment A”.

The 4th Separate Class Constitutional Amendment ON THE BALLOT November 5…”Amendment A”

The 4th Separate Class Constitutional Amendment ON THE BALLOT November 5…
IT’S NOT “Property Tax Relief or Reform” it’s been the PLAN ALL ALONG!
It will ONLY RAISE Revenue by Separating Residential from Commercial Classes in Assessments. Commercial Businesses, Residential Homes, Second Homes, Rental Homes Look Out!!!!
Right now the State Level of Assessment is 9.5%, the gimmick is that they can reduce that. Unfortunately that also means they can INCREASE it for COMMERCIAL.
Second homes will if passed be classified as Commerical and their Assessment WILL BE INCREASED.
How will that help renters and the price of merchandise and products when businesses pass that cost on? Also, the Neighborhood Adjustment Factor in Property Tax Profile can be raised to maintain the status quo.
We have got to work together to educate everyone about this and a vote of definite ‘NO‘ on the Ballot!
This is on the Ballot STATEWIDE AS “AMENDMENT A”!!!!!


Are the County Clerks trying to hide failed tests of their electronic voting systems?
If so, what are they hiding?
Of 6 counties that provided their testing numbers for the primary ballot tabulators, all but one county’s testing numbers have shown that their testing included erroneous numbers that rendered the testing invalid. Another County admitted they used erroneous numbers and has agreed to retest. For this reason, the electronic voting systems in that county have not been proven to be trustworthy and accurate.
Make sure you call your county clerks and ask for the report of your county electronic voting system. Some are resisting to provide them to the state and others are not being tabulated correctly by state statute. So call you county clerk today and keep on them until they provide you with a certified report.
We are one week away from a very important election. Be sure to get out and Vote

A Marilyn Connolly FACT CHECK!

A Marilyn Connolly FACT CHECK! A reasonable mind has to question why Marilyn Connolly’s campaign flyers make her sound just like Barry Crago – touting I’m a conservative Republican, I believe in life, I’m pro gun, I’m going to cut taxes and spending (that’s my favorite one). Blah, blah, blah. And Crago’s actual, documented record proves he is the opposite of who he says he is. … READ MORE

Superintendent Says Wyo Has Cash For Lunches, Can Ignore Fed Gender Mandate, Gov Urges Caution

June 22nd, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture on May 5 announced it was linking its school lunch funding, including $40 million to Wyoming, to a requirement that all funded schools update their non-discrimination policies to include protections for sexual orientation and gender identity.
“Treasurer Curt Meier and a host of Wyoming’s state leaders have assured me that Wyoming has the money to cover these lunches,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Brian Schroeder. “We can cut ties with these federal lunch dollars and still provide for Wyoming kids – it only requires two things: the will of the Wyoming people, and the determination of Wyoming’s governing leaders. If we don’t fight this, we enable it.”
But Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon’s office is urging caution, saying the federal mandate could impact a lot more than school lunches.
“The Governor believes that any discussion to withdraw from its funding streams should be considered by the incoming Legislature,” said Michael Pearlman, a spokesman for Gordon….READ MORE

Mysterious website rates Wyoming conservatives, concludes majority are ‘liberal Republicans’

“A mysterious website meant to “expose the liberal Wyoming Republicans who hold office” has popped up online, drawing new divisions in a state Republican Party embroiled in conflict over its conservative platform.
The website — WyoRINO.com — is an index intended to rate elected Republicans in the Legislature on their adherence to the platform passed by the Wyoming GOP’s state central committee during the party’s 2018 convention.”

The Wyoming Legislature Special Session held October 26 – November 3 to address the federal and local mandates.

Wyoming Legislature – Special Session Final Day:
My fellow legislator said it pretty well so I am sharing his post. Unfortunately protecting big business was far more important than protecting our citizen’s God given rights. What they forget is it is the people that make up the businesses. I am not sorry we had the session as we have to fight for the people, I am just sorry that the outcome was hijacked by political games.
Representative Mark Jennings
I am not proud to tell you that the Wyoming Legislature failed to pass any meaningful legislation during the 7 days that we were in session. The House sent HB1001 to the Senate last week that we worked on for 4 days but they killed the bill on 3rd reading yesterday. This was a meaningful bill that would have protected individuals as well as businesses in Wyoming while pushing back against the federal governments’ unconstitutional mandates.
Both the House and Senate approved HB1002 and sent it to the Governor for his signature or veto. It appears that we have enough votes to override a veto if needed, but the bill really doesn’t do much to protect our freedom or individual rights. This bill gives $4 million dollars to the governor’s office to try and entice him to start fighting federal mandates. The rest of the bill is mostly just a resolution that says we don’t like mandates. It is for optics without making any meaningful stand like Tennessee and Iowa did with their recently passed legislation. As we adjourned last night, I heard some of the more moderate republicans congratulate each other that the session did no good, neither did it do any harm. It was obvious that their intention was to obstruct as much as possible from the beginning.
I make no excuses for the outcome as I am a member of this legislature. The conservative members fought hard to protect our liberty and freedom, but many members of the legislature do not feel that the state should do anything and opposed everything we tried to do. It was a hard and spirited fight, but unfortunately, we did not win this one. The only good thing that came out of the special session was that we were able to put some focus on the damage the federal mandates are causing in Wyoming as many individuals are losing their jobs as a direct result.
Please do not lose hope. We will continue to fight for unconstitutional overreach and protect our individual rights and freedom. As I have said on numerous occasions, we need a few more conservatives in our state legislature to be able to win some of these close votes. I am hopeful that with your continued support, we will be able to do this soon.
Representative Scott Heiner

H.R. 1: “For The People Act” it will change the nature of our federal elections forever.

Have you heard about H.R. 1?  If not, I would urge you to read the text of the bill immediately.  It is called the “For The People Act”, and you can find it right here.  The text of this bill specifically states that Congress has the “ultimate supervisory power over federal elections”, but of course anyone that is familiar with what the U.S. Constitution actually says knows that this is not true.  The states are supposed to have final authority over their own election laws, and H.R. 1 is a blatant attempt to usurp that authority.  Unfortunately, in the aftermath of the riot at the U.S. Capitol there are very few politicians in Washington that still have a willingness to stand up for election integrity.  H.R. 1 is almost certainly going to get through the House of Representatives, and it has a really good chance of getting through the Senate as well…more

H.R. 127: A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently

If a new bill that has been introduced in Congress eventually becomes law, the 2nd Amendment will still be in the U.S. Constitution, but for all practical purposes the rights that it is supposed to guarantee will be dead and gone. H.R. 127 was submitted on January 4th, and if you have not read it yet you can find the full text right here. It contains a lot of technical language, and so in this article I am going to try to break down what it means very simply. Now that the Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, there is going to be a major push to ram through some form of gun control legislation. If it is not this bill, it will be another one, so we need to be diligent…more

Liz Cheney’s Recent Actions

Representative Mark Jennings
After watching this last weeks events unfold, I, and many of the constituents I represent, have grave concerns about US Representative Liz Cheney’s actions in voting for impeachment so quickly and before any evidence was even heard; apparently due process was not important in these proceedings. Personally I would have thought she would have shown concern for election integrity instead of wasting time impeaching someone who is leaving office in a few days. For this reason and what certainly appears to be a lack of connectivity to the citizen’s of Wyoming, I would call upon her to resign and seek other endeavors.
Update: Wyoming GOP Censures Rep. Liz Cheney Over Impeachment Vote

Mask Mandates

Representative Mark Jennings
I am very disturbed by the mask mandate orders given out and signed by Dr. Harrist. In the paper it says that they are following the statute that was passed by the Legislature and in my opinion they are not telling you the whole truth. Down through history the statute has always been interpreted to allow quarantining the sick and infected not the healthy.
This new interpretation of the statute flies in the face of personal responsibility and personal freedoms to make one’s own medical decisions which is also in statute…READ MORE


There are different names for the Globalist minions, such as Democrats, Wyoming Hope, Moderate Republicans, Frontier Republicans, and Log Cabin Republicans to name a few. All are using duplicity to fool the voters that they support the Constitution; however, the point in fact – they are enemies to the Constitution. These minions support all or part of the Gates/Soros globalist agenda which are paying them money to maintain their status quo and helping these minions get into office. These financial backers and their minions are the one responsible for:….READ MORE

Fauci Is a Deep State Fraud

I knew for sure that Anthony Fauci is a fraud after listening to him for about 10 seconds—as anyone who listens carefully would have known as well. President Trump had been charging the Chinese government with obscurancy and deception in its handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Fauci had dealt intimately with the Chinese on that matter. His National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control had partially financed the notorious Wuhan laboratory where Chinese scientists were researching the virus. Fauci knew a lot.
The pandemic’s guru, unfortunately, behaves as an ordinary creature of the Washington swamp…Read More

Eight arrested for meth distribution

The charges and arrests of these individuals were the result of a joint investigation by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and Wyoming’s Northeast Enforcement Team (NEET), Central Enforcement Team (CEET) and Southeast Enforcement Team (SEET). The investigation revealed that from 2008 until February 20, 2017, this organization was involved in the trafficking up to pound quantities of methamphetamine from the Denver, Colorado, area to Sheridan, and distributing the drug in areas of southeastern Montana and Sheridan. During this investigation, the involved agencies seized approximately one pound of methamphetamine, 23 firearms and approximately $10,000 in suspected drug proceeds….READ MORE

Mysterious website rates Wyoming conservatives, concludes majority are ‘liberal Republicans’

“A mysterious website meant to “expose the liberal Wyoming Republicans who hold office” has popped up online, drawing new divisions in a state Republican Party embroiled in conflict over its conservative platform.
The website — WyoRINO.com — is an index intended to rate elected Republicans in the Legislature on their adherence to the platform passed by the Wyoming GOP’s state central committee during the party’s 2018 convention.”

Wyoming Public School Salaries Finally Posted Online – Payrolls Cost Taxpayers $1 Billion

It was a three year fight to open the books on the entire payroll of the Wyoming public schools. Finally, the salaries of every educator, administrator, and staffer have been posted online.
The new data shows that there are 16,306 full-time employees making $816.5 million in cash compensation. Adding the cost of benefits such as paid time off and pensions, taxpayer costs are estimated to exceed $1 billion…read more

Mysterious website rates Wyoming conservatives, concludes majority are ‘liberal Republicans’

“A mysterious website meant to “expose the liberal Wyoming Republicans who hold office” has popped up online, drawing new divisions in a state Republican Party embroiled in conflict over its conservative platform.
The website — WyoRINO.com — is an index intended to rate elected Republicans in the Legislature on their adherence to the platform passed by the Wyoming GOP’s state central committee during the party’s 2018 convention.”

National corporate tax recapture. – Tax on Services in Wyoming under a different name and bill number

Prelude to Income Tax in Wyoming The corporate income tax bill failed during the last legislative session, but now Rep. Obermueller is trying to force it through again and relabeling it the “National Corporate Tax Recapture Act.”
Just like putting lipstick on a pig, this new name doesn’t make the bill any prettier! In fact, Rep. Obermueller’s new version is even worse than the first go-round!

Prime example why the US can’t afford to keep retiring reliable base load electricity sourcing such as coal.

Texas’s flirtation with power outages did not need to happen. It was prompted by an increased reliance on wind generation, the retirement of reliable coal-fired generators, and market rules that incentivize the switch from coal to wind by ignoring generator reliability.
What the events of the week of August 12, 2019 have ultimately shown is that fossil fuel-fired generating capacity – including coal – is essential to operating a reliable electric grid during periods of peak electricity demand, when wind generation is at its low-point. However, without the proper financial incentives, more dispatchable fossil generation will exit the market, resulting in rising electric power prices, greater price volatility, and increased risk to the reliability of the electricity grid. READ MORE

Letter from the Chairman – Socialism

Special Education funding will be a topic, as will Six areas we must defend to keep our state free of socialism:. 1. Healthcare – When the Government has control of who can receive healthcare, from whom, of which form and at which rate, the government literally has the lives of individuals in their hands. The Republican Party believes healthcare decisions should be made by individuals and their doctors. We must be vigilant to monitor legislation that allows state or federal bureaucrats to gain any more sway in our healthcare system. In fact, we advocate for bureaucracies to be removed from the healthcare system so that the direct patient-doctor relationship can again be established. Read More

Joint Education Committee Interim Topics – Medicaid services in K-12

Special Education funding will be a topic, as will Medicaid services in K-12.  You read that right – in 2018, Wyoming did, indeed, expand Medicaid into our K-12 schools, and the Department of Health will now be working with the Department of Education.. Read More

SPEAR-O Wigwam Cost Sheridan College Millions

Sheridan College purchased the old Spear-0 Wigwam Ranch. The ranch is located on leased land in the Bighorn National Forest. The purchase cost was $650,000. This mountain campus was envisioned as a revenue-generating facility. Read More

College Dorms: Sheridan, Wyoming College Gender Policy? — Who is protecting our Children???

“Who placed gender identity in the college’s non-discrimination clause? Dr. Paul Young, the President of Sheridan College, responded, “other than the College’s written policy there are no other records or documents in our possession that are responsive to your request.” Read More