Who Is Antifa? What You Need To Know

Antifa was and is primarily a global Communist movement using fascist tactics

In a Communist society, all means of production would be owned and controlled by the state. Communism is theoretically classless and egalitarian. In reality, the ruling class always does very well. Examples would be the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea. All have had to introduce some form of capitalism to survive, some more than others. There are no pure Marxist systems in existence today. It simply does not work.

Hitler expelled the Communists from Germany in the early thirties as they were stealing his thunder and his voice. The Fuhrer was very impressed with Mussolini’s fascism and how effective it was, hence the fascist/Nazi alignment during World War II. These deported German Communists hit the U.S. college circuit, joining every major university, until they have now almost completely taken over our education system.

Fascism and Communism are not opposite ends of the spectrum, rather, they are first cousins on the left. Both are secular socialist with power being absolute with no opposition tolerated, especially from God. No natural rights, only that which they choose to dispense.

On Monday, a disenchanted former Antifa member was interviewed on Fox News. He was as confused as so many others. He called Antifa the real fascists. No, they are not fascists. Antifa was and is primarily a global Communist movement using fascist tactics…breaking up meetings, rallies, destroying property, clubbing a few people, etc. They use the moniker ‘anti-fascist’ to keep you confused with no idea as to their real intentions. Democrats don’t speak out because they are close relations…the militant wing of the party doing the dirty work, but keeping enough space between them to distract you. Democrats are not strangers to militant wings, hence the KKK.

To Antifa, anyone that disagrees with them, is not entitled to free speech

They both have all the earmarks of beginning as organized crime. If someone wants free stuff from the government, they vote or support those that promise it. The money is taken from those that do work (oppressors) and gives it to those who won’t work (the oppressed). It’s a social & political contract. Give me power, I give you free stuff and will protect your receivership. Of course, if you give them enough power you will eventually no longer have a vote or a choice in the matter or even the free stuff.

Democrats love to promise what they know is impossible just to sit back and watch the Republicans say no, and then with expressions of righteous indignation explain in a press conference that Republicans just don’t care. Republicans fall for it every time.

Antifa are people that have been indoctrinated that America is an illegitimate country, built on the backs of slaves, racist to its very core where common citizens, especially those of color, have no chance at a decent life. They have been stirred up to a point of hate. They are either ignorant of history or just lying to themselves.

To Antifa, anyone that disagrees with them, is not entitled to free speech. Heck, anyone who disagrees with Democrats is labeled a racist, homophobe, whatever. They both see themselves as the arbiters of morality even while they are assaulting people and killing babies. Conservatives are not fascist. If there are fascists in this country, they will reside in the Democrat Party. What group of politicians works the hardest to control every aspect of commerce and limit freedoms?

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Appeared August 24, 2019.
Credits: CFP